The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3230199
Posted By: MGM·Lion
27-Sep-11 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine

"Not trying to return till 1947"?

~you are an ignorant fellow. The desire to return has never gone away, from the Spanish-Sephardic poetry of longing for return to the traditional homeland by Yehudah Halevi in the 12th century to the traditional desire for the rite to be held 'next year in Jerusalem' which has concluded the Passover service throughout all the years of exile. The actual return in any numbers began late C19, motivated much by Herzl's publication The Jewish State (1895) which followed the scandal of the Captain Dreyfus mistrial by French court-martial, coincidental in the Zeitgeist with movements for return from about 1880s onwards throughout the Jewish Diaspora. Where do you imagine all the kibbutzim, along with full cites like Tel-Aviv and Safed, which filled the land by the time the settlement of 1947 occurred, can have come from, if, as you assert above, no desire for return had been expressed between the Diaspora and that date? Before making such reckless and fatuous accusations, it would be well to check such facts. I thought you claimed a legal training. If your clients' affairs are conducted with the same degree of scrupulous attention to the facts of the case, I can't imagine you can make a very fat living.