The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140503   Message #3230204
Posted By: Artful Codger
27-Sep-11 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
Subject: RE: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
Don't you find it preposterous that the best modern media can only last 80 years, while copyrights remain in effect for at least 125 years? That essentially means that nothing except what the megacorporations find wildly "commercially viable" is likely to survive long enough to enter the public domain. We already see a similar situation with much sheet music from the 1800s, which may be stored in public repositories like the British Library, but is too frail to be accessed by the public and is too expensive to scan for dissemination over the web. And few private collectors who hold copies make this material available to the public domain that technically should have access by right, because it would diminish the market value of their collectibles. It is a gross mistake to believe that everything worth saving will continue to be replicated (faithfully) onto new media before the old media become obsolete, unreadable or privately hoarded--just think of all the once-popular films that have been irretrievably lost or degraded beyond restoration. Why do we tolerate this? When corporations sit on their acquired rights and assets like a dog in a manger, why do we condone or tolerate this?