The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3230404
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Sep-11 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Jim ~ I do not disagree with you re WP. I wish the Israelis didn't do such things; or destroy Arab lands and agricultural resources as they do in disproportionate retaliations against attacks. It was not for such that I marched and collected in my youth in support of the establishment of the entity which has turned out in its present governmental avatar to be such a grave disappointment. I really do see where you are coming from re Israeli intransigence & worse ~ I refer you again to that previous credo of mine of a couple of days ago.

But I nevertheless persist in my animadversions against the inappropriate overstated comparisons you continue to make; which are bound to lead to, and to an extent to justify, the sort of accusations of ill-faith against which I caution you. I know you don't intend to conflate anti-Israeli attitudes with outright antisemitism; but you do not do yourself any favours in avoiding such accusations by persisting in your thoroughly evasive pleas of mere 'difference of scale' in two manifestations of atrocity, as far apart, I still urge, as cold & cancer.
