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Thread #140399   Message #3230845
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Sep-11 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"You deleted the flags that showed the claims to be unsubstantiated."
No I deleted nothing
There as no need to - there is no dispute whatever that the Israelis both facilitated and co-operated in both of the massacres.
An independant enquiry found that "In 1982, an independent commission chaired by Sean MacBride concluded that the Israeli authorities or forces were, directly or indirectly, responsible."
Even "The Israeli government established the Kahan Commission to investigate, and in early 1983 it found that Israeli military personnel were aware that a massacre was in progress without taking serious steps to stop it."
To make doubly sure you didn't accuse me of doctoring the text I carefully wrote.
"Just in case there is any doubt what you pair of apologist shits are up to here's the relevant bit and also the link, in case you think I'm getting up to Keith's trick of editing cut-'n-pastes"
Yet you still have the dishonesty to accuse me of what you did.
You really are a dishonest little shit.
"No point in putting it back up again, was there?"
You, on the other hand cut-'n-pasted Jack Straw's statement to prove that there was a racial/cultural connection to paedophelia - having already made your claim that "All male Pakistanis have a cultural implant" that inclines them to the abuse of underage girls - and removed Straw's comment that there was no racial conclusions to be drawn from the fact that a handful of Pakistanis were involved in procuring underage girls for sex.
People can draw their own conclusions from your behaviour both then and now.
"Or do we see them as ants to be gotten rid of?"
The Israelis appear to have made up their mind on that one in 1948 when the Brits pulled out of Palestine - to their eternal shame , the British Military authorities did nothing to stop the massacres of thousands of Arabs.
Jim Carroll