The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3230916
Posted By: Teribus
29-Sep-11 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
""Or do we see them as ants to be gotten rid of?"
The Israelis appear to have made up their mind on that one in 1948 when the Brits pulled out of Palestine - to their eternal shame , the British Military authorities did nothing to stop the massacres of thousands of Arabs."

In May 1948 the term of the League of Nations Mandated expired and the British left - there was no element of "choice" in the decision and no question of the United Nations extending the Mandate. That being the case I would dearly like to hear;

1: What Britain could have done

2: What massacres of thousands of Arabs? If memory and historical record are correct it was the Arabs who elected to fight and it was the Arabs who attacked the newly declared State of Israel.

"Is the suggestion something along the lines "These Arabs don't know how to look after a country, just aren't up to the job"?"

Nope, but I asked Richard Bridge a question related to Jews who had legally purchased land and asked him to explain how they had dispossessed anyone - I still wait for his answer. I also brought to his attention that the Turkish governors generally sold the Jews land that they considered worthless, yet the Jewish settlers drained swamps and where required dug irrigation channels and they by their efforts made the land productive. Where they could not they set up industries and created employment. Now if that is what the Jews did with land that was considered to be worthless what have the Arabs done with the land that they have sat on for the same time in Palestine? What have they done with the billions given them in aid?

How much does it cost to smuggle Grad Rockets into Gaza?