The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115701   Message #3230924
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Rodgers
29-Sep-11 - 02:28 AM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Subject: RE: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Hi, folks--Hope you've all been well-- Your administrator's words ( in adding our songs' lyrics at the time : "Because Mudcat's probably going to be around longer than youtube " ) were prophetic --because this popular vid, which I'll always be glad that so many of you liked, was erased for unclear reasons by a disgruntled "administrator" about a year ago, and thus every trace of it disappeared internet-wide ( When one you tube vid goes, every reproduction of it goes): You Tube is great in many ways, but the down side , we learned, is that, unlike traditional recordings, a youtube vid can be be arbitrarily removed by one person ( in our case, the volunteer "administrator") in a scary way that reminds me of how totalitarian societies worldwide make all evidence of free speech, political parody and songs they might not like ( and our little numbers had some of all of this) disappear.
   Fortunately, our band mate ("Tuba") Chris, as it turns out, had a pre-you tube copy of the vid on his hard drive--and so, a year later, he was able to bring it back---because , after all, a good song ( or political parody, etc.) shouldn't just disappear forever, which otherwise would have been the case---EXCEPT for the texts of the song and its sequel, which , thanks to your administrator's foresight , are still here for all to see---As a further testimony to your site's wonderful role in perpetuating songwriting efforts and reactions to them , we are grateful that, as a result of the permanent deletion of the original "Sarah" videos, all of the many nice comments on them disappeared permanently , too---and thus, the only major site with lengthy discussions of the number today is, again, Mudcat( ^^) ---so my friends and I are doubly grateful to you for keeping the record of songs like ours ( and so many others, I'm sure) alive, which no other source ( even you tube ) could do.
    Thanks again, and all the best---and , by all means, come back and visit us and Sarah some time again, if you're of a mind--We'll be glad to see you -:) ---The exact title of the new vid on y-tube is "I'm in Love with Sarah Palin" Joe + the Plumbers    Sincerely, Joe Rodgers and band friends ( aka "Joe and the Plumbers"),Ct.,USA