The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140527   Message #3230978
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
29-Sep-11 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Food recycling boxes!!
Subject: RE: BS: Food recycling boxes!!
I make things like bread-and-butter-pudding from stale bread, and use the chicken carcase to make stock. I think one good tip is to review the freezer, fridge and cupboards frequently, rotating the items, and make a strict list of what you NEED to buy next time at the supermarket. People don't seem to have a list with them, and buy on impulse a bit. I'm always deciding what to make for dinner on the basis of using up anything near its end! Even our peelings go on the compost heap. Fat off the meat goes on the bird table. A Food Box would only have a few chicken bones in it. (Our cats would love those, but you risk splinters in their insides.)Exploding peaches! Good job they weren't inside you at the time Richard! Actually though, tinned food can last for donkey's years.