The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140503   Message #3231094
Posted By: Mr Red
29-Sep-11 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
Subject: RE: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
Thanx Guys

I have seen CD's (HHD in the UK) that claim somewhat like 100 years. If I was in my 20's I might consider trying to test that one. You never know!

I am well aware of the rule of three and the spread-bet methodology. And cycling on a (say) 5 year basis staggered.

The advantage of SD &/or memory stickie thingies is size. Triplicating the files &/or the medium means that there is more capacity to try it. And at relatively low cost.

The museum is prepared to accept DVD and hold while the county government get their act together on digital archiving poicy. And capacity. I hold files on HDD and will transfer to another HDD because video eats up memory - fast. 1Tbyte is look mighty small!!

I have one DVD's worth in MP2 and given that the source is from MP4 I doubt that my personal files in uncompressed AVI (converted from MP4) will be much better on resolution. Given the nature of the environment - the audio is good enough. I use an Alesis Videotrak which is better for audio than Video.