The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3231307
Posted By: Teribus
29-Sep-11 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
So ploughing through highly biased links that record only attacks made by one side and ignore the atrocities carried out by the Arabs of Palestine is not being "selective"? And "thousands" of Arabs massacred?? Hardly.

Haganah - Jewish self defence group set up in the 1920's to protect themselves from attacks by Arabs. This organisation ONLY EVER DEFENDED.

Irgun - More militant members of Haganah who broke away. During the Arab revolt (1936 - 1939) Irgun mounted RETALIATORY RAIDS in response to Arab attacks. As the days of the mandate were drawing to a close the "Convoy of 35" attack by the Arabs prompted Irgun to review its strategy and tactics and the gloves finally came off.

The UN had ordered the ending of the Mandate and the end of a British presence in Palestine, while the UN might have been able to do something (but I strongly doubt it) Britain most certainly could not.

Still silence from our lawyer Mr. Bridge on how people who had legitimately purchased land managed to dispossess people at one and the same time.