The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3231368
Posted By: GUEST,mg
29-Sep-11 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
What are steps that should be taken to insure the security of Israelis, while moving towards a state for Palestinians?

Removal of settlements, with a DMZ I would imagine. No smashing of greenhouses or property. The Palestinian youth in particular have to be told in no uncertain terms what they are not to even think of...that the world will come down heavily on them. At the same time, there need to be opportunities for training and work. Groups such as Heifer could probably help restock herds. There has to be watchdogging of water..oops the aquifer went dry...oops dead animals ended up in the well..the Israelis need to be told that they are going to lose whatever infra or extrastructure they put into those settlements, so kiss them goodbye. The Palestinians need to be told here are your future schools, barns, houses, so treat them with respect. There has to be a financial as well as international outrage consideration to those have just spent millions of dollars providing for the future of people you wish would just go away. There need to be noise limits and pollutant limits lest anyone think they can bribe new Palestinian officials to put in an arsenic factory to bring in cash...There need to be international watchdogs as to what is taught in the schools. There need to be access to cities and to ports..not blocked off. Religious sites for either and other groups need to be maintained by an international police force if necessary.

Water is the key I think. I do not think this is a religious dispute. It is a land and water dispute and should be treated that way.

Also, the world needs to examine why it let this go on so long. I think one reason is we subconsciously equate the Palestinians with the Nazis and the Holocaust. They were not responsible for it. Put the blame where it belongs and don't confuse totally innocent people with others who got tangled up in monstrous behavior. mg