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Thread #140523   Message #3231412
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Sep-11 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: I voted for Obama, but...
Subject: RE: BS: I voted for Obama, but...
Cherry pick the favored or unfavored 'news'(read: propaganda) source..
LMAO!!!!..Actually I re-thought the above sentence and thought of flavored or unflavored 'news' source!....

Pick the 'news' flavor you like the best!

(Oh, it can't be true....(pant pant), ...its not from my favorite, slanted position!...Hell, who cares if its true or not!..Besides, I like their commercials better!...LOOK OUT!..They carried the same story on Fox!....and said the same thing....Now it must not be true!!

Bobert.....Oh Bobert....(*~sigh~*).

As to Strings,..:..."It's remarkable that you should be quoting an article from the Washington Times, a Moonie newspaper."

Well, I'm not a 'Moonie' anyway..but is the story true?...or not?!
(Pssst, look out, the reporter might be a 'Moonie' or a Jew, or a Christian, or a Unitarian, or a Mormon, maybe a Catholic, God Forbid!!!...(YIKES!..Did I say 'God'??),..we could give him a pass if he's a Muslim,(they're sorta 'in' right now)...BUT wait!...what if he is a Jehovah Witness??...Those bigoted sons-of-bitches....not like me!..I'm a liberal!!!!...We are the ONLY ones with an open mind!!!

Strings: "..I argue that the premise of this thread is correct and that we don't have true Capitalism any more, we have Corporatism whereby market competition is squelched by an Oligarchy."

Guess what??..I agree with you full-heartedly, and go one further..
The corrupt bastards at the top, don't give a rat's ass about us, other than tapping everything they can, by buying off the 'leadership'(?), of ALL the main parties!
This is not too hard to fathom, is it?..I mean, if you're going to buy out the Republican, why not the Democrats as well?..or the Tea party...Shit, don't you think they'd want to better their odds?..After all, they're buying off the politicians with our 'free' tax money....

Bobert: "Naw..The Democrats are as pure as the driven snow...I know!!..I am one!"

Strings: "...We have given too much power to the Pentagon to make important national decisions as as it become more Christianized, it becomes a bigger out-of-control behemoth."

Well. the same goes for the Pentagon as well, as above..EXCEPT they got funded enough to become a mercenary army for the top globalist oligarchy bastards, as per aforementioned, with Timmy Geithner, making sure he can tap the Treasury...Oh, don't worry!...He'll tell you its "Worth it"...even though he WON'T tell you where the money is going!(Have YouTube links on the Congressional hearings to prove that one!....with his pal Ben Bernanke!)

As to...."....important national decisions as as it become more Christianized"

I knew it all along!!...Jesus and the twelve Apostles, were discussing logistics and troop movements at that last high level briefing at the Last Supper!..I can see it now!!...Just like you can! They were inventing the Military Industrial Complex, and the gospels are actually a secret code. Jesus himself commissioned Mary Magdeline to head the WACS....Just ask ANYONE in the Pentagon!..but be careful, its Top Secret....nobody knows about it...except
(Time for a little Dean Martin, here....)!

Strings: "Obama's election was not about Camelot, an appraisal developed later in the JFK administration but was about the momentous proposition that a black man could be elected president in the US."

Oh?..Are you saying that those who voted FOR him was because he was black???.....Pssst,.. sounds a little like racial bias to me, sorta like 'bigoted'?.......Wait a minute GFS, 'bigot' is a word reserved to those who WE disagree with...NOT US!!..WE'RE LIBERALS!!!

Strings: "Voting for Obama really is not the end game, only grass roots activism can achieve meaningful change in the system."

Shhh, don't say that too loud..Tea Partiers might be listening!
But that's the Koch Bros. phony grass roots movement....Not like George Soros/Jeff Immelt, and us..besides, they told us they are 'liberals' us!...Now that's DIFFERENT!

Yes folks..I really am from Sanity......(but you can't see it)!