The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140503   Message #3231600
Posted By: Mr Red
30-Sep-11 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
Subject: RE: Tech: life durability of memory sticks?????
As I say - getting the MP2 files or DVD equivalent to the museum is easy. 4.7Gb per DVD and I am only up to to 1 so far. They have asked me to hold original copies myself - which I would do anyway. And.... see below

Now- On-line storage - any experience? names might help me.

I have another more exacting project where a professional transfer service in NZ (I have family there) can transfer 9.5 (yes 9.5mm) film to TIFF files for me - at a cost I have yet to discover.

The upshot is 17000 files totaling 17 Tbytes which is an improvement on the 62 Tb for colour TIFFS - the family video is over 70 years old and in B&W but rather precious since dad died when I was 9 months old. It is a playlette done through the cine club of the time. Dad being the driving force.

Logistically On-Line is the easiest to administer. The NZ end can upload as his capacity (5Tb at last count) and bandwidth/Gb limit allows, and I can download at a pace I can process. We are talking years for my time.