The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8151   Message #3232877
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Oct-11 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: The Pride of Petravore
Subject: RE: The Pride of Petravore
Many thanks, Al. Where was your grandfather a miner ~ collier, presumably? So your grandfather was about 15 when, according to site Martyn linked {thanks, Martyn}, Collisson would have written the tune for P French. So was Collisson adapting an older tune, as he did acc to Martyn 7 posts above for Mtns Of Mourne, which your grandfather & his friends had got from an older source {?Irish Traveller, as you hint above}, but which no-one else on here seems to know of; or did latter adapt Collisson's original tune, as seems all-in-all more likely?

Shall we ever know?

Many thanks again.
