The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7466   Message #3233390
Posted By: Richie
03-Oct-11 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Handsome Molly
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Handsome Molly

I just put the 1947 article "The Old Album of William A. Larkin" by Ruth Ann Musick:

In the article there are some early texts from 1866- one is of Handsome Molly:

On one monday morning No. 22nd
William Larkin 1866 (original spelling by Larkin)

1. It was on one monday morning
That I arose
I went to see my true love
It was my hearts intent

2. My true love she is good looking
She is verry slim and tall
Besides she is good natured
And thats the best of all

3. I went to church last sunday
I rode up by her side
I new that her mind was changed
By the movements of her eye

4. I new that her mind was changed
To some neater man than I
I new that her mind was changed
And disgracefully to me

5. Oh lizzy dont you remember
You gave me your right hand
And you vowed if ever you marryed
That I should be the man

6. But now your are at your liberty
To wed with who you please
While my poor heart is a breaking
You are lolling at your ease

7. I wish I were in bablon
Or some other town said he
I would place my foot on board a ship
Soail over the briny sea

Larkin's spelling isn't the best but there are some early versions of many songs and ballads.
