The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26648   Message #323370
Posted By: BlueJay
20-Oct-00 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
KC- I can't believe I missed it! And worse, I missed it 'cause of a f***ing job! I've heard you sing enough to know it must have been great, KC. And your guitar playing must be growing by leaps and bounds if your playing in the dreaded key of F9.

Really, though, I hope Max or Joe Offer or Jon or someone with greater natural ability than I has archived this, and will do the same for future such events. Sort of like Mudcat Radio, for the benefit of Mudcatters in different time zones. Or myself, who is ALWAYS in a different time zone.

I admit to not researching properly; not so much time these days. But does anyone know if such a task has been undertaken, or is being considered?

Thanks, just call me Green(with envy)Jay, at least for this morning