The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3233708
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Oct-11 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Quit picking on Mary. Teribus is an Israel apologist who will hear no wrong spoken against the country. We all know that Israel has colonized and occupied large areas of Palestinian territory for decades and has created sub-classes of people who may (at times) enter Israel for work. Who are held virtually hostage when Israel closes the borders.

The colonizer/colonized positions are not aided by the way Israel approaches "peace talks" - they get close to an agreement, then Israeli zealots start moving in to Palestinian territory and putting up more settlements. Or something comparable, such as the building of a wall that encroaches on Palestinian communities, inconveniences them by blocking access roads in their own territory, and by simply being where it is, takes in more prime land. Much as the stupid border fence in the US at the border with Mexico is doing. The Wikipedia article is a starting point for more info.

The fighting is nasty, but Israel is largely responsible for whether there is peace in the region or not, and it seems to suit them to not have peace in the region. As long as they are the "victims" they get more support from the US government and from bleeding heart fundamentalist christian groups in the US who have literal readings of their preferred version of the Bible and who think that Israel must be situated just so before xtian end times can proceed. I think American Jews are beginning to catch on to the nonsense and are watching and waiting.

There is fighting and bad blood from anti-Israel states in the region, but Israel is, at this point, it's own worst enemy.