The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140793   Message #3236869
Posted By: gnu
10-Oct-11 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Tech: PC. So, this guy from Pakistan calls...
Subject: Tech: PC. So, this guy from Pakistan calls...
... and says they have detected that there is something wrong with my PC. He wants me to do this and that and I figure out it will launch the event viewer. But, I kept asking him (at least 8 times and also asking him why he wouldn't tell me) what would happen next. This went on for about 3 minutes until I said that I wasn't gonna do it because I figured he was just trying gain access to my PC because my PC was working fine and I didn't understand how some fuckin guy 8000 miles away could find out my PC wasn't working properly.

That's when he said "Fuck all your wives." a couple of times and hung up.

Did I piss him off?... enough?

Oh... fwiw... 1-999-910-0157 was the number he called from.

I immediately dialed the RCMP National Anti-Telephone Fraud line and heard... "We are presently in a staff meeting or experiencing thechnical difficulties. Please call us back later." Same thing later... and later... and...