The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3236948
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
10-Oct-11 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Jim, you posted this.
"The M825A1 rounds, which are the kind identified as being fired by Israeli forces, are made primarily for use as a smokescreen in a way that limits their effect as an incendiary weapon, experts say."

Jim, WP has been used in munitions for about a hundred years.
In all that time no treaty, agency or government did or does classify it as a chemical weapon.
Just one man in one report once in error.
You can go on believing it in your world, but you make yourself ridiculous in the real one.

I never expressed any opinion about Pakistani culture.
I know nothing about it.
I did report the opinion of people who do know about it.
I was not qualified to endorse or dispute it, so I did neither.
This has been explained to you many times but you go on using it in personal attacks on me.
Why must you be so belligerent?
We have had such friendly debate while you were away.