The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3237283
Posted By: Stringsinger
11-Oct-11 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Remember that Jews and Palestinians are both Semitic peoples.

"Islam is an offshoot of Judaism." (?)

This is by no means confirmed as a theological fact. They are seen as independent sources and interpretations not one evolved from another.

Judaism predates Islam and Christianity but Hinduism predates all three.

The derivation of religious practice from one sect to another relies on general religious practices found in all religions, not just one.

The problem with this argument is that both Islam and Judaism are practiced differently throughout the world. Even though each religion purports to be a rigid law, there are many interpretations of these laws as there are in courtrooms by lawyers. Any literalist of a religious doctrine can find inconsistencies in their bible, koran or torah if they look hard enough.

The history of Israel is not consistent since at one time, the Jews were forced to flee from it. They are no more entitled to reclamation than are the Native Americans to the U.S.
And we know that ain't gonna' happen.

This is a religio-culture war. The who was there first argument won't wash and is totally irrelevant to the solution of the two religious inhabitants. Zionism is a new idea and is not embraced by many orthodox Jews in the world. Zionism has nothing to do with Islam.
There is one exception, much of the composed music for Israel has been inspired not just by Russia or Europe but a great deal by Arab sources.