The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140827   Message #3237657
Posted By: mcpiper
12-Oct-11 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: NZ needs a break-Rena shipwreck-NZ Oil pollution
Subject: RE: BS: NZ could use a break....
Hi guys, it's just up the coast from me, but for the fog we could have seen it when we had practice the other night.
The environmental damage is going to be far reaching and ongoing, but from my perpective the real damage has been done by the sensationalist press we have here. They will interview some one and not give them a chance to give an in depth logical, reasoned and informed answer. I have just watched a half hour talk forum and learned more than from the so called news.
The PR has been abismal, the wrong people being asked the wrong questions, and then the rabid interviewer almost screaming retoric at the person.
It is a catastophic disaster, but not helped bythe idiot press we seem to have to put up with here.
If I get a chance I might go and have a look for myself, and keep you updated.
Latest is the rough wheather has caused the ship to crack, containers have fallen overboard and there is a chance of it breaking up. Then we will see a gutterpress free for all.