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Thread #140399   Message #3237703
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
12-Oct-11 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
""The situation arose because Hamas made their positions in civilian areas.""

Civilian areas of their own country which was, from their point of view, being attacked and invaded by a foreign army.

And Keith, I would like you to explain to me what part of any nation, absent the presence of a defined front line defended by its own troops, is NOT a civilian area?

You leap to the defence of a regime which thinks nothing of applying vastly superior force against the virtually defenseless population of a neighbour state. Because my friend, whether the world recognises it or not, Palestine is a de facto state, and the only thing that stops it being recognised is the cowardice of western politicians, terrified of losing the votes of their Jewish citizens.


Don T.