The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26637   Message #323818
Posted By: JamesJim
21-Oct-00 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
Alex, I find it fascinating that you deplore others who try to tell you what you are thinking (I'm paraphrasing). Seems most politicians and political pundits do that very thing (i.e., in refuting some opposite view they might say, "The American people simply do not agree with that point of view"). Of course, most of them base this on the latest poll they've taken, or if it's convienient to them, they just decide they'll tell us all what everyone is thinking.

I don't mean to offend, but if you don't have the sense of both major candidates by now, you haven't been paying much attention (not said angerly, just matter-a-factly). You are not alone - I feel the same way about all of the other supposedly "undecideds."

I recommend you listen carefully to the candidates (as well as ALL of the talking heads) over the next three weeks. No need to dig up articles. Just listen. Try to sort out what they are saying. Who do you feel is telling the truth? Who is using "gang" politics to tell a particular story (i.e., having all of their cronies say they same thing, just trying to convince everyone that they have the answers)? Who is doing all of the attacking and is the most negative? Why? Who is really truthful? Many pundits are not truthful. They sugar coat by saying nice things about a particular candidate, then lower the boom.

I won't hide my stripes (you probably already know them anyway). Yes, I am going to vote for George W. I am a registered democrat who has found himself doubting the democratic agenda (for some time now) and all of their silly pundits who claim to know what is best for America. Bill Clinton sickens me. He has no claim to anything, except to being a brilliantly seedy politician. He has succeeded in turning off the American electorate more than any other politician in history (including Richard Nixon, whom I also deplore). He is a disgrace to our nation and a terrible example to our young people. He is a major reason the entire nation seems to be becoming more conservative (sometimes too far right). He was supposed to be the savior of the Democratic party....I believe he has been just the opposite. I don't plan to change parties, at least not yet. I am leaning more to the right than I ever thought I would...but here I am. I have other Democratic friends who are in the same boat.

It was just a few short months ago that Al Gore stood with Clinton on the White House lawn and said, "my friend Bill Clinton will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents!" Never mind all of the personal political indiscretions attributed to Al Gore ("No controlling legal authority," "I didn't know it was a fundraiser," etc.). For me, when he and all of his cronies stood and defended Clinton after his impeachment, my vote was decided. George W. may not turn out to be any better....who knows? All I have to look at is the track record of both men. "Bully" Al has one ( a record that is) "as long as his arm." I REALLY would like to have someone return dignity to the White House. I hope George W. can do it.

Most here disagree with me, I know. Some will try to justify Al's actions by saying, "He is only using political strategy," or "He is fervently showing how much he believes in his views - George has no views." Some will even say he is simply on the "correct side" of the political spectrum. I can't vote for a man who is so desperate to win that he reinvents himself at every turn. It simply comes down to integrety and honesty. He has neither.

Sorry gang (he says, as he takes a deep breath and says to himself; "Feel better?). I had to get it out of my gut!
