The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3238270
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Oct-11 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Why do you insist on prolonging this Keith - you have the evidence - you have dismissed any part in the Israeli invovement without evidence, yiou have made your comments about Pakistanis, you have suggsted Travellers as being slavers, you have shown yourself fr what you are
Leave this thread for decent, honest discussion.
You really have slid down the "anti-Semitism slime hole Mike.
After a comment you made earlier I took the trouble to renew some of my old Jewish acquaintences in Manchester to see how they felt about the situation in Palestine.
Their feelings were summed up by one response "the greatest contribution to anti Semitism since the war has been made by the various Israeli governments"
You have shown that to be the case.
I, nor anybody I spoke to believed the Israeli authorities to be representative of the Jewish people as a whole - you apparently disagree.
If you are right, then god help us all.
Jim arroll