The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140849 Message #3238565
Posted By: GUEST,mg
13-Oct-11 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: The Folk Voice
Subject: RE: The Folk Voice
Little 14 year old trying to be seductive voice..something happened in Irish music probably 20 or so years ago where you could struggle to find a recorded woman who sounded normal..and I worked by a CD store and listened to dozens looking for was all I am prepubescent or just barely into it and I am singing in a cathedral and unfortunately I have asthma so I have to sort of whisper and sing at the same time. With all due respect to true asthmatics, and women with naturally wispy voices, I think most of what we heard was an artifact of monkey see monkey do. After all, Irish women for ever and ever have had fine strong voices and all of a sudden they all get asthma and hormonal reversals of fortune? mg