The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140859   Message #3238715
Posted By: Janie
14-Oct-11 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Sound files sound different
Subject: Tech: Sound files sound different
This may be simply a Garage Band issue. Or perhaps a Mac issue. I don't know sh*t from shinola about recording and don't do a lot of recording. I convert Garage Band files to WAV if I am going to send them to some one. I always listen to the WAV file before I send it. Sounds like the Garage Band recording. I occasionally get comments from the folks I send the recording to, however, about too much reverb. At first I thought it was a matter of personal taste, but as an experiment, I e-mailed myself a copy of the WAV file and compared the e-mailed recording to the WAV file on my computer. They are undeniably different, and the reverb on the e-mailed file is definitely excessive.
