The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3238919
Posted By: GUEST
14-Oct-11 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"Don I do now " believe that all male Pakistani Muslims have a culturally implanted tendency" towards having sex with under-age girls.
This is a racist statement - whoever puts it forward has put forward a racist statement - whoever puts it forward as a personal belief without researched documented evidence is guilty of perpertuating a racist stereotype.
Even if this statement had been taken from elsewhere (no source or quote has yet been given either for "all male Pakistanis" or "culturally implanted tendency", therefore we have to believe that it is solely the opinion of the poster) it would still be a racist statement and, as the poster has declared it to be his personal belief, it would accurately represent the opinion of the poster.
Rather than complain of being called racist for making such a statement it would be far more convincing if the poster either;
a. Proved that this was not a racist statement.
b. Proved that he had not posted it and it was not his opinion.
Take your pick.
I know this statement to be racist because another poster told me of a similar statement; ("ALL MALE JEWS have a cultural implant which makes them inclined to usury") that "Persisting in uttering accusations and comparisons which you know, because you have repeatedly been told so & have admitted that to be their effect, are peculiarly offensive to all Jews"
To claim one of these not to be offensively racist, yet the other to be racist is hypocritical in the extreme, and to suggest that either is not racist is being an apologist for racism.
As far as my own racism is concerned - are we to conclude that criticism on any national government can be regarded as racist?
Jim Carroll