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Thread #140399   Message #3239245
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Oct-11 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
No quote, no research, (surely necessary for such a profoundly dangerous and all-embracing accusation) no specific statement, no "cultural implant" evidence, no "all Pakistani males"..... nothing but your own stated opinion.
That's what I thought = it is your statement and yours alone, the logical conclusion of which is that in every street, town, city, country where these 'potential perverts' live we have to carefully monitor the behaviour of our Pakistani neighbours and lock away our daughters because all male Pakistanis are potential "culturally implanted" statuary rapists who have to resist their cultural impulses in case their natural impulses surface
"labelled Nazi & Holocaust"
I have asked for proof of this - like Keith's bile, none has been forthcoming and you continue to defend the indefensible with your dishonest and extremely cowardly cry of "Jew baiting".
If you have any evidence whatever that I, or any here who find the behaviour of the Israeli authorities repulsive and unacceptable, have at any time attempted to blame the Jewish people as a whole, please present it.
Nobody, certainly not me, has labelled as "Nazi & Holocaust" the actions of Israeli governments - I have said that there are comparisons to be made, on a lesser scale certainly, but similar in objective and effect.
You have chosen not to challege, therefore to support with your silence, (garnished with the occasional cries of "Jew baiter" and "anti-Semite") the fact that British troops left Palestine to the sound of Arab villages being ethnically cleansed, you have ignored the continued killing and maiming of civilians (in two cases the massacre of up to 3,500 men women and children refugees, which Keith has demoted to 'military incompetence'), that have taken place, the wall that has been built across legally occupied (and vitally important to provide sustenance for the people living there) land, the ghettoisation, the attempts to starve an impoverished third world people into submission with a sweeping and spiteful embargo, the murder of relief bringers, the continued use of heavy artillery and chemical weapons in built-up areas, the evictions to make way for Israeli homes and tourist centres - all remincent of similar acts carried out in pre-war Germany, former Yugoslavia, Chile.... and anywhere where one dominant political, religious, ethnic group attempts to impose its political, economic, cultural will on another.
Nobody here has attempted to touch the proposed visit to Britain of an ex- Israeli foreign minister with an arrest warrant for war crimes hanging over her.
Added to this, you have (rightly) described the stereotyping of Jews as 'cultural usurers' as racist, while at the same time defending similar racist stereotyping of Muslims as "non-racist - - "anti- Semite Jew baiter" - I think I can live with that from such a dishonest and cowardly hypocritical source!
If you have any proof of "Anti Semitism", or "Jew baiting" from anybody here, please produce it, but I suspect that the result will be the same as requests for Keith's "cultural implants" or "all male Pakistanis".      
It is significant, to me at least, that the only support the Israelis have for their opposition to Palestinian statehood has come from an intended veto by the world's most powerful nation who has proved itself not averese to using similar tactics against impoverished third-world peoples.
Jim Carroll