The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3239462
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
15-Oct-11 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
None of that is true jim.
Those 5 were in all the media then (late jan / feb).
I can still provide examples.
You will never be able to produce alternatives because there were none.
In the thread I asked many times for another theory.
None was provided, except Don produced one of his own.
If I am lying, put up an alternative.
(No chance Jim. You made it up.)

You have yet to to provide either a source or an actual quote for your claim, making it yours and yours alone.

I provided the 5 sources of the opinion.
It never was a claim.
I told you literally dozens of times I was not interested in why they did it.
For some reason that was all you wanted to talk about, but without any suggestion of your own.
I made no claim.
I reluctantly said what I believed only because Don directly asked me.
It was not a claim and I was never interested.
Deny that Jim?