The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140881   Message #3239523
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
15-Oct-11 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: US troops to Uganda
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
Too bad that they cannot also help to advise on elimination of the Ugandan witch doctors and their cult who are sacrificing young boys as part of their rituals. (Try and see the BBC programs on this horror.

Comparison with Vietnam is nonsense, although I agree that that fiasco which cost so many lives was misguided intervention. In that case, a colonial war started by the French was turned into a war against Communists. The Vietnamese embraced any group that would help them to get self- determination, and the Commies supported by China seemed the only hope. After all the deaths and land destruction, Vietnam is slowly becoming a self-governed nation that is gradually incorporating some democratic principles.
If Vietnam had been left alone, the same goals would have been reached sooner, as Chinese 'communism' has turned into state-guided capitalism.