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Thread #140399   Message #3240076
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Oct-11 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
And you have provided no proof whatever of your accusation of anti-Semitism - throughout these discussions I have aimed my remarks at actions of the Israeli authorities who I believe do not represent the Jewish people as a whole and whose behaviour has offended Jews both inside and outside Israel.
My suggestion that there are comparisons to be drawn of the behaviour of the Nazis towards the Jews, and that of the Israelis towards the Palestinians are a far cry from "All male Pakistanis" being infected with a 'statuary rape implant' (inconclusive!!!) which you have dismissed as being "not racist" while objecting to the potential use of a similar suggestion about Jews.
Your hysterical accusation of "anti Semitism" is one that has been used by others on all these Israeli threads angainst any criticism of Israeli policy, including by some who have put up some degree of argument in support of Israeli behaviour, which you have not.
My dictionary gives an anti Semite as being "A person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews" - point out where my comments have been aimed at anything, other than the behaviour of Israelis towards the Palestinians - you have ignored requests to do so to date.
The only effect your untrue and unqualified accusations could possibly have on this forum is to make us think twice before we criticise Mugabe (because he is black), Duvalier (because he was black), Gadaffi (because he is an Arab)......
Utterly spineless and dishonest.
Perhaps you would like to address the expulsion of 30,000 Bedouins, which is now being openly referred to as "ethnic cleansing" (whoops, there goes my anti-Semitism" again).
Your continued support for Keith's openly racist statement (explain why it is not, and why a similar example of stereotyping Jews is - another request you have consistently ignored) calls into question your own approach to race and remains both hypocritical and cowardly.
My apologies - the Israelis have published a list of prisoners to be released, which includes some active terrorists - I was not aware of this - and withdraw what I wrongly claimed.
My case still stands; "The Palestinians have done have done nothing to the Israelis that hasn't been done to them with a hundred times greater force, with heavy artillery, chemical weapons and by well trained and well armed troops - over a continuing period of 60-odd years."
Jim Carroll