The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3240094
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Oct-11 - 04:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"Jeri, he has started again to accuse me of racism "
You wrote the 'cultural implant' statement - it is on record on this forum as coming from you - without evidence it is racist stereotyping in the extreme - show us where it is not. You claimed it was somebody else's statement - (even if that were true, without evidence it would still be a racist statement, and it would still be your opinion), but you have totally failed to produce evidence that anybody anywhere made anything resembling the suggestion that all male Pakistanis are culturally inclined to statuary rape, in fact witnesses you produced to back up your case warned of the danger of their opinions being used in such a manner as you have used them.
If you have evidence of somebody saying anything approaching a statement so profoundly damaging to a whole ethnic culture, please produce it and I will totally accept that it it somebody else's statement as well as yours, but that will not change the fact that, without proof, it is a racist statement and it was put forward by you.
I may have over-stressed it, but I find it incredibly offensive that anybody should put forward such a foul suggestion about an entire gender of a whole ethnic group, and I feel it relates to your attitude to all Muslims, which is why I raised it here.
Give your proof of the statement and I will happily withdraw my accusation - give your source and quote and I will happily accept that you (misguidedly maybe) took your cue from elsewhere.
Until such time, it remains a racist statement and it remains yours, no matter what blanket support you may have got from elsewhere.
Meanwhile, would you care to comment on the ethnic cleansing of the Bedouins, and would you care to provide proof that similar treatment has been forthcoming from the Palestinians?
Jim Carroll