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Thread #140399   Message #3240168
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Oct-11 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
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"Bedouin are treated much worse in Egypt"
There is no evidence of this whatever; the treatment of Bedouins in Egypt is just about on par with that of Travellers in Britain and Ireland, poor, but nowhere near 'ethnic cleansing' proportions.
Nor is there any evidence of mistreatment at the hands ofthe Palestinians, which was your original response.
Even if it were true it is no excuse for the ethnic cleansing that is proposed for 30,000 Bedouins by Israel
Excusing atrocities by one nation by comparing them to the the behaviour of another is tantamount to being an apologist for such treatment - racist harrasment is racist harrassment whoever does it Israel's behaviour towards the Bedouins is yet more evidence of their contempt for human rights.
As for my hatred of Israel; I go along with MtheGM when he says; "Which is not to say that I am not embarrassed and horrified by what the state of Israel is in danger of turning into" (though I believe Israel to be much further down that road), but apparently it makes me an "anti Semite Jew baiter" if I say so!!
Funny old world (or maybe not so funny)
Jim Carroll