The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3241147
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Oct-11 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"thanks for that massive cut and paste from Pravda,"
Sorry Keith - I forgot your dyslexia problem, which you usually manage to get over by not bothering to read what people write.
"But it was also wrong to hold that poor young soldier...."
Who, of course, wasn't part of a force that carried out chemical attacks on civilians, hospitals and schools, or participated in and facilitated huge massacres of villagers and refugees or evicted Palestinians from their homes, which were then razed to the ground in order to build tourist centres and Israeli settlements or humiliated civilians on a daily basis or built a wall across legally occupied property or removed citizenship from any Palestinian who stayed away fom home too long.....
Don't you ever let anybody accuse you of being biased in your choice of who you support!!!!
"Jim, you compare the Israeli treatment of Bedouin to Nazi Germany."
The article does that "and discrimination more befitting of Nazi Germany than a modern State which claims to be a democracy" - I said that the treatment of Palastinians has echoes of Nazi behaviour - nobody has attempted to suggest it is anything like the scale of the holocaust - of course it isn't - but they're doing their best in spite of overwhelming international condemnation.
Jim Carroll