The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3241773
Posted By: MGM·Lion
20-Oct-11 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Here you are ~ answer to your question, in the form that I put it to Don a few posts back:

"the insidious and invidious use of phrases designed to wind up Jews: phrases of baleful, distressing, offensive associations and connotations to them all ~~ "Nazi echoes, holocaust in reverse" ~~ not once but again & again & again; with the obvious intent of offending and distressing Jews who read it: he has been told time & again of the offensive connotations, but goes on unashamedly insulting & distressing them with these locutions.
If that is not the action of a deliberate and intentional antisemite, what is?"

You know these are offensive terms to Jews, whatever their context. You have climbed down from the pathetic "only a matter of scale" to the highly questionable claim that "nobody has attempted to suggest it is anything like the scale of the holocaust"; but you have persisted in using the terms, knowing their offensive nature, with no sort of apology or attempt to moderate them.

I repeat ~~

If that is not the action of a deliberate and intentional antisemite, what is?

Now, forget your accusations of "invective" and of my "hiding behind pleas of antisemitism" and the rest of it; and let us have an answer as to why it is not antisemitic to rant on in these terms as you have been doing.

And others reading this: I implied a challenge a few posts back. Let me put it explicitly ~~

If you think I am unjustified in accusing Carroll of manifesting antisemitism in his persistent use of these terms, clearly of offensive and distressing association to Jews, on a thread which will obviously be of interest to Jewish Catters ~~ do please say so. Let's hear it for Jim, the oh-so-objective non-antisemite who wouldn't dream of expressing any opinion but one in opposition to Israeli policy.

Come on. Let's be having you ~~ who wants to be associated with the terms in which Jim has chosen to express his views?