The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140990   Message #3242317
Posted By: DrugCrazed
21-Oct-11 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: Singing Songs You Don't Agree With
Subject: Singing Songs You Don't Agree With
So Roy Bailey's gig at Bright Phoebus on Wednesday was fun as usual, with the blend of wit and songs that we're all used to by now. There's a lot of songs that he sang which I loved to pieces (Boxing Day and Go To Work On Monday to name a few). Problem is that I don't think I agree with a lot of the songs: Boxing Day has a far too aggressive standpoint for my liking, and the general feel of Socialism I don't agree with. It's the same reason I don't sing fox hunting songs.

So, how do people feel about singing songs from a viewpoint they don't agree with. Am I just making up fears that people will shout back "You don't believe what you're singing is right!"?