The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26637   Message #324268
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Oct-00 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
Hey, people, American presidential elections are the longest running joke in the world, so don't take it all so seriously. People up here (in Canada) are calling the two puppets Gush and Bore now, which pretty well sums it up. Take a look at the video by "Rage Against The Machine" for a further cogent comment on the whole process. Bush and Gore are the two halves of a fruit that went rotten on the vine a long time ago.

The entire electoral process in the USA frankly deserves little but contempt at this point...and by the way, it ain't much better in Canada either, although our campaigns only are allowed to run for 6 weeks, thank God.

It's just an empty excercise designed to make you THINK you still live in a genuine democracy...rather than a dictatorship run by huge corporations, the banks, the Pentagon, and Wall Street.

Are you aware that of the 20 richest private individuals in the world at present, 4 or 5 of them are members of the Walton family (who own WalMart). Did you know that WalMart makes its money by getting cheap goods from 3rd World countries where people work under what amounts to virtual human slavery, and that their routine is to move into a moderate sized town and deliberately undercut the main product lines of family businesses that were in said town for generations...until they go out of business...and then WalMart raises the price of those products and socks it to the local public, after eviscerating their traditional business sector?

Regarding the above...there was a special article on it a few months ago in the Canadian news media, and on the Net. It listed the 20 wealthiest business people in the world. Bill Gates, of course, was one of them.

You live in a society "of the rich, by the rich, for the rich". And so do I. My society is just a small branch plant of corporate USA, and we are effectively at the mercy of corporate USA, as are all the other countries in the western hemisphere...except Cuba which is blockaded and nearly starved to death for not playing the game.

You people don't need an need a new American revolution. Where are Washington and Jefferson now? You're not voting for democracy, you're voting for the Machine.

By the way, I'm NOT talking about a violent revolution this time...I'm talking about a revolution of ideas, and a whole new take on why society exists in the first place. It might better exist for the sake of HUMANITY AND NATURE in partnership, not for the sake of profits.

So don't accuse me of advocating violence, because I absolutely am not doing so. It is the prevailing system which advocates violence and glorifies it in its entertainment media, and in the world of sports.

If you want to vote, of course, fine with me...but hey, Democrats and Republicans, the System is screwing you both and using you against each other. It's the old "divide and conquer routine". You should get together instead of wasting your energy squabbling with each other.

Your enemy isn't socialism (which you could sorely use more of), and it isn't the Arabs or anyone else out there across the's the System that lobotomizes you through the screen of your TV every night, just like it does here in Canada, and cynically tosses you the crumbs of another "tax cut" every election, while robbing you blind up, down, and sideways.

- LH

Oh, Doug R - Beachfront property in Yuma, Arizona was it? Wow! Sign me up. I have a lovely bridge in Coldwater, Ontario, so maybe we can do a straight trade. :-D