The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3242866
Posted By: MGM·Lion
22-Oct-11 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"The list of continued massacres of civilians dating back sixty odd years, fully reported, verified, and in many cases, officially enquired into by independent bodies, including the U.N., make Israel unquestionably a terrorist state.
If Palestine is not fit for Statehood because of Hamas's (undisputed) terrorism, then neither is Israel.
Jim Carroll"
Brilliant leap of logic in that last sentence, absolutely typical of Antisemite-James. On that basis, I should love to hear of any state in the modern world with nothing in its history that would disqualify it for "Statehood" ~~ USA/Redskins; Australia/Aborigines; Belgium/Congo; UK/sub-Saharan Africa [which, otoh, is observably so much nicer an area since we withdrew!]/Amritsar (cont p 94). The UN General Assembly is going to look a bit desolate and forsaken.

For heaven's sake drop it, Jim. Is there no limit you will not overstep to demonstrate that you are not just racist, but also profoundly bloody STUPID! Get back in your glass house and commune with yourself and revolve your racist sentiments in your own mind not on this forum, you were better.