The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3242905
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Oct-11 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Getting a little sick of this
A brief clarification of my Anti Semitism.
I was brought up as part of an anti-Fascist family.
My uncles, aunts and grandparents were part of the Anti-Mosely demonstrators who went out and fought the good old 'guardian's of the law' who were staunchly defending that peer of the realm's "right to free speech" to the extent that at least two of my relatives ended up in prison for their 'crimes'.
My father was so disturbed at what was happening in Nazi Germany that he went to Spain (as a then practicing Catholic) to fight Fascism, where he was wounded and taken prisoner. I found out earlier this year that one of the regular events that he was treated to was a mock firing squad where he and several of his fellow prisoners were taken into a yard, stood up against a wall and prepared to be shot - this happened at least a dozen times during his stay.
He returned to good old "anti-Facist Britain" where the government were girding their loins to "fight the Hun" (the same government who came back from Munich waving "Peace in our time" declarations, and some of whose MPs, when the facts filtered through about Auschwitz, dismissed them as "the lies of wingeing Yids" - denied by your acolyte Keithie btw)
My father found that not only had he been excommunicated from his religion in his absence (not important by then), but he had also been awarded the honour of a police record as a "premature anti-Fascist"
When he tried to return to his work he found that, thanks to a visit to potential employers by the authorities, he had been placed on a blacklist as 'suspect'.
Eventually he had no other alternative to join McAlpines men and work away from home, the result being that my sister and I hardly saw him until I was nearly at the end of my schooling.
When he died in the mid-sixties a number of his old friends, and comrades, including several Jewish ex International Brigaders, came to his funeral and regaled us with their exploits of fighting Mosely and his fascists and Franco in Spain.
My sisters and I were brought up to respect people of different races, religions and cultures, to enjoy their company and to speak out when we found them under attack from bigots and racists.   
As a youth I was quite often embarrased by my father's outspokeness; nowadays hardly a day passes when I don't think of him with pride.
So when a squalid like you vomits his "anti-Semite" and "Jew-baiter" alternative for argument, I tend to welcome them as confirmation of my opinions, sort of like how my faher wore his "premature anti-fascism as a badge of honour.
So you may take your miserably cowardly alternatives for discussion, your racist double-standards, your support for blatently racist stereotyping, and your 'support by silence and 'apologism' for Zionist fascism and shove them as far from the daylight as you possibly can.
Jim Carroll