The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3242934
Posted By: MGM·Lion
22-Oct-11 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Wherein this 'falseness' of apprehension, pray? His objections appear to be, not just to the current policies, in which, as you say I agree with him, but to the very existence of the State of Israel from the word 'go'. He appears to wish Israel had never been suffered to come into existence; belittles the difficulties it encountered then, attacked literally on all sides by overwhelming numbers of hostile enemies, against whom he appears to think it should not have defended itself; and accuses it of bad faith in the way that defence was conducted: and would, it appears, agree with the present determination expressed by so many of the neighbouring states to this day, that its total destruction is highly desirable.

In support of these opinions, he employs rhetoric explicitly designed and intended [he has never denied this, note ~~ I say again how proud his father would have been if he could see & hear how he goes on now!] to offend Jews and belittle the sufferings they underwent during what was probably the most appalling sequence of events to have occurred in, let us say, the past two or three centuries; with his litany of 'Nazi echoes' and 'Holocaust in reverse' & all the rest of it. It is a sort of fringe Holocaust-denial in which he is indulging. (Are you just listening to your son on the Other Side, Mr Carroll Snr!?). And you find falsehood, do you, in my perception of all this as antisemitic?

If this syndrome of opinions, wishes and expressions is not antisemitic, just tell me what you think would be so, please, Kevin.
