The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3242957
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
22-Oct-11 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
""He appears to wish Israel had never been suffered to come into existence; belittles the difficulties it encountered then, attacked literally on all sides by overwhelming numbers of hostile enemies, against whom he appears to think it should not have defended itself; and accuses it of bad faith in the way that defence was conducted: and would, it appears, agree with the present determination expressed by so many of the neighbouring states to this day, that its total destruction is highly desirable.""

Nowhere that I can find, has Jim said that Israel has no right to exist, or to defend itself against aggression.

He has said that their over the top responses in Gaza are terrorism pure and simple and he is right. They need to moderate their position, and so do you.

You and Keith, having conducted olympic standard whingeing sessions about poor Keith being bullied by the rest on other threads, have decided to devote your energies to hijacking this thread in one of the most protracted and concentrated bullying attacks on another member it has been my misfortune to witness.

I'm not quite sure why the moderators have allowed it to continue thus far, but it is a deplorable, mean spirited action and completely unjustifiable action on your part which should meet with censure.

You try most of the time to come across as the epitome of reasonable, polite humanity, but in the last few days you have revealed the real personality behind the act, and it's not a pretty sight.

Your hectoring, name calling and plain bad manners transcend anything that has been levelled at you in the past, and the respect I might have had for your point of view is utterly destroyed.

Don T.