The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1057   Message #3243
Posted By: belter
19-Mar-97 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: ADD: The Mickey Dam
Subject: RE: I'm an honest Irish laborer
This sounds very familiar, but I'm having trouble figuring out what it reminds me of. It reminds me a little of MORRISSEY AND THE BLACK wich is a soung about an Irish boxer That's the title to be found in the DT although the way I heard it he was fighting a Rusion. Also it something about it makes me think of Tam O'Lin if only the metter. It also sounds a lot like a soung I heard were an Irish man goes to londun, is told by a lockal that the ass standing in the street is his brother and he should stop and talk to it. He spits tabacco in its ear it goes wild and he gets arested, but gets sprung when his clever excuse ammuses the judge. could any of those be what your looking for.