The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26777   Message #324309
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Oct-00 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - October 22, 2000
Subject: Thought for the day - October 22, 2000
I had not been out of the house all day, so Rog took me for a short drive up against the foot of the mountain, just at dusk, when the big-eared mule deer literally line the road, getting some last minute snacking in before bedding down, either in the way of grass or handouts from people driving up to see them.

There were bucks ambling along antlers held high in sedate pride; does grabbing a few last bites here and there while busily keeping an eye on their fawns, white tails flicking messages back and forth. Oh! The fawns! They've lost their spots by now and grown some, but they still are small compared to their elders and their little legs still look so spindly. They are growing up though, you can tell they know the ropes; where the best bits of nibblies might be and the wary ways of soliciting from carloads of two-leggeds.

The beauty of these gentle creatures, the scent of the fresh mountainy air, the chill of seasonal changes, the deep brown of their eyes, all knowing and accepting of their Creator, struck me. My heart felt pierced and I cried out to Rog, sobbing through my tears, that I have to get back out to where we can be at one with nature, with our Mother the earth.

I've been wrapped up in health issues, moving to a different house soon, and a myriad of other things for which life seems to require my attention on a daily basis. I intend to let go, and let go some more, until I can find a rhythm of peace, a rhythm of life, a rhythm which matches that of the Earth and her creatures and I shall also be at peace. This evening was a brief glimpse of that At-One-Ness, which I've known before in my life, and I intend to pay attention.


kat (thanks to Ebbie for the inspiration, too!)