The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3243376
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Oct-11 - 04:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"Indeed, the increased characterization or libeling of Israel as a "Nazi state"
That is a odd opinion don't you think?
Israel is Jewish, so anything it does, no matter how inhuman, how horrific, how much of a war crime.... cannot be considered fascist - because ... Israel is Jewish, and to criticise those actions as fascist would be anti-Semitic..
I, and as far as I can see, everybody on this thread who has criticised the undeniable atrocities committed by Israel, have based those criticisms on what Israel has done, not what she is
You have chosen to suppport what Israel does by a mixture of ignoring and refusing to discuss its actions and by writing it off as "what Israel might become". At least Keith has the gall to claim that what happened didn't happen.
In fact it is you who has given your unqualified support to racist statements against Muslims, (openly stated on this forum), has claimed that while it is offensive to indulge in racist stereotypes concerning Jews, it is permissable to use similar stereotypes against Muslims.
No, I am not an anti-Semite, I never have been a racist in any shape or form and I will die having spent my adult life attacking all forms of racism, and I am proud of that fact.
I wonder if you are proud of your own openly displayed racist hypocrisy.
As you have failed to put up one single tangible argument of my being "anti-Semite", I assume that you are skulking behind your invective to cover your own racism.
And by the way - can you point to where anybody here has libelled Israel as a Nazi state.
I have claimed that there are comparisons ("echoes" is the word I used) to be drawn between the behaviour of the Nazis towards the Jews, and that of the Israelis towards the Palestinians, but I have never described Israel as a Nazi state, nor has anybody else here. If you are going to lie and distort our arguments, please make the effort to do so less crudely obviously.
Jim Carroll