The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140976   Message #3244497
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
25-Oct-11 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Moammar Ghadaffi (1942-2011)
Subject: RE: Obit: Moammar Ghadaffi (1942-2011)
His death worries me. Or rather, all the preceded it.

Back in 2007, Col. Gaddafi was being wined and dined by Tony Blair, hugged in fact. This happened with MANY other world leaders.

He had ruled for over 40 years, doing a great deal of good for Libya and Africa in that time, being befriended by Nelson Mandela too.

I do not excuse the bad things he did, but, when you start to look into the good things and recognise that these were never disclosed, well, it makes you wonder why.

Then, of course, there is the gold dinar. Now, pardon me for being suspicious here, but Gaddafi wanted, was all set, to bring in his new form of currency, to Libya, Saudi and as many African states as he could, in order to unite. He wanted to deal only in his gold dinars, thus eradicating the dollar from the picture.

Then, there is AFRICOM, already in place, where the USA is 'deciding' what's best for many African States...

Of course, I may have this all arse over whatnot...but.........

And then, there is the order already been given for UK firms to make a dash to re-build Libya, get the contracts etc.....

So NATO, only two moves away from NAZI on the Scrabble board, goes in there, blackens Gaddafi's name, beyond recognition, forgets all the wining and dining and "Mwa Mwa!" with World Leaders, overlooks the last 40 years of him doing bad things, along with the good..and finally decides that they've had enough...

And the Golden Dinar will probably disappear from the face of the Earth now...Gaddafi's way also, of sharing out the wealth of his country....but The Black Dollar will live on, I'm sure...and the Guys in their AFRICOM Uniforms will polish their buttons and breathe a little easier, contact in their jobs for a while longer.....

The BBC mshow Snuff Videos of him being primetime when the children are in their lounges, across the nation...and close ups of him lying in a freezer are beamed around the planet via our screens, whilst the wonderful Libyan People line up to take photos of him...

And eanwhile back at The Ranch of the True Tyrants all is relaxed as new 'leaders' are chosen for Libya, new 'deals' done...and The Bank of The New World Order breathes a huge sigh of relief...