The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26637   Message #324497
Posted By: Carlin
22-Oct-00 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3
There is a reason Gore is not running on the Clinton record. He is trying to position himself as an outsider, a populist who is going to fight the status quo....if he reminds people that he is the sitting Vice-President, he will be admitting that he is the status quo.

He doesn't want to bring up impeachment because, lo and behold!, these many months after the fact there is a majority that has decided that not only was impeachment was conviction. He doesn't want to remind people that on the day Clinton was impeached he stood in the Rose Garden and called him one of the 'Greatest Presidents ever'.

Not to mention a great deal of Clinton's successes are rapidly going to Hell in a hand basket. The market has been volatile and the mid-East is on fire. We have troops in Bosnia that were supposed to be home 4 years ago. We have troops in Kossovo protecting Serbs from Albanians, after we spent several months bombing Serbs in order to protect the Albanians.

For all the administrations posturing on health care the number of uninsured has gone up since Clinton took office.

If Gore is going to FIGHT!!! all wouldn't do to admit he is going to be fighting himself.

PS. Little Hawk, I will take a little capitalist corruption, along with capitalist freedom any day over the stagnant equality of socialist serfdom.