The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140567   Message #3245331
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Oct-11 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shane McBride's family history, eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Shane McBride's family history, eh?
Waiiiiit a minute! Who says you can`t argue with science (Interrogative symbol)

Scientists often disagree over scientific matters. There have again and again been scientists who presented new theories and independent interpretations of the existing evidence and were furiously attacked by their colleagues for doing so...laughed at...jeered at...threatened in various ways...refused research funds...driven from the fold..........and yet were later proven to be RIGHT!

Thus, you most definitely CAN argue with science, if you decide to. If scientists ALREADY knew EVERYTHING there is to know about EVERYTHING, and they knew it all beyond any shadow of doubt, then you could not argue with science.

They don`t. ;-) And they won`t later either. They will continue to argue about science long after you and I have departed this mortal coil.

**** Quite aside from that, I think it rather likely that Shane`s remote forbears did indeed mate with neanderthals, apes or something else along that line. (they mated with sheep too...but that did not produce any offspring).