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Thread #141076   Message #3246505
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
29-Oct-11 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine
"I care about their repressive actions in curtailing and controlling peoples who have lived in Palestine/Israel for thousands of years before 1948--when the USA and Europe so "generously" gave someone else's homeland to European Jews. - ANON

Written by someone who has not got the faintest clue about the subject he/she has chosen. Or even worse is insulting everyone's intelligence here by attempting to fence in history.

For the attention of our GUEST:

1948 - The USA and Europe gave away nothing - "generously" or otherwise. Neither did the United Nations, who having accepted the reality that the Arabs of Palestine could not peacefully co-exist in a single state with the Jews of Palestine, proposed and offered a two state solution.

Records show that:

1 - The Jews of Palestine accepted this solution and on the ending of the period of the League of Nations Mandate in 1948 declared the existence of their independent sovereign state which they called Israel.

2 - The Arabs of Palestine totally rejected the United Nations proposal and elected to go to war with the complete and utter destruction of the state of Israel and the annihilation of its people as their declared aim. They lost that war and Israel having successfuly defended itself endorsed its own right to exist.

3 - That the United Nations immediately recognised the State of Israel and welcomed the newly declared state into the International Organisation as a full member. Shortly after this recognition by the UN the State of Israel was independently recognised by the U.S.S.R and by the U.S.A

"European Jews"?? Here our anonymous contributer elects to ignore the fact that Jews have always lived in the region commonly referred to as Palestine.

During the Arab initiated riots of 1929 the Arabs of Palestine murdered, robbed and forcibly ejected the majority Jewish population of the town of Hebron - That Jewish population of that town could be traced as having lived there for over 800 years (They apparently have no rights).

Modern day Jewish migration to what we commonly refer to as Palestine (There is no such country, nation, race or state) began around 1847 while the territory was part of the Ottoman Empire. The Jews who returned to the area bought land, and improved it, either by agriculture or commercially. This created employment which brought people in most of whom were Arab - a simple examination of the demographic history of the period shows this to be true.

The greatest influx of Jews to the area was not caused by the events of the Second World War or indeed its aftermath. The greatest influx of Jews to the area was caused by the war that the Arabs elected to fight in 1948. After their humiliating defeat the Jewish populations of a great many Arab countries, populations who had lived in those countries for centuries, were dispossessed and extradited - the ONLY place for them to go was ISRAEL.

Since their defeat in 1948 the Arabs have on several occasions attacked Israel and each and every time they have resorted to arms they have lost. Each and every time that ceasefires have been brokered and agreements entered into the Arabs have failed to comply or honour those agreements.

Arab violence towards the Jews of Palestine was initiated by a lie deliberately told by an Arab in 1920 and the same continues to this day. Over the intervening years all the Jews of Palestine have learned to do and learned to do well is how to defend themselves.