The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141092   Message #3247895
Posted By: Tootler
31-Oct-11 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Noteworthy BAK (music) files- like the Hydra
Subject: RE: Tech: Noteworthy BAK (music) files- like the Hydra
Glad your problem is resolved (hopefully) leeneia.

I never bothered to turn off the backup option so I get lots of the .bak files. I periodically go through my noteworthy folder and delete them. Fortunately the Noteworthy file format is very compact so they don't take up a lot of disk space, nevertheless, it is worth doing periodically.

They have been useful on a small number of occasions either because a *.nwc file has become corrupted and being able to retrieve it from the *.bak file saved a lot of typing and also because I have on occasions accidentally deleted files I wanted to keep, though in that case rooting through the rubbish bin can also do the trick.

I can recommend updating to Noteworthy 2, by the way. There are a lot of very good added features and the resulting scores are very much better.