The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141130   Message #3249219
Posted By: Desert Dancer
02-Nov-11 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: thumping the floor
Subject: RE: thumping the floor
There's no denying that Sara Grey is a foot stomper and it's certainly been noted previously. At this stage it's certainly not under conscious control. I think I've even heard her discuss it before, so it's not that she's unaware that she does it, and I'm surprised that anyone would say they didn't notice about her. There are a few songs that she does that don't have a strong rhythm and that she's more still for, but certainly the majority of what she sings, and especially those accompanied by banjo, have a strong rhythm that comes out in her foot and leg. (And, if she's not playing the banjo, in hand-patting, too.)

Leenia notes that this house concert venue had a particularly springy and resonant floor. (I assume there was no other amplification.) I can see how sitting as close as one does in a house concert that this could be distracting, with the vibration transmitted not only through the air, but to one's seat. It's too bad that some adjustment couldn't have been made prior to the concert to reduce the effect somewhat -- a doubled carpet, or something.

Perhaps Sara and Kieron should be more aware of this issue when they perform in this kind of space. I'd think that a direct communication via the host would be a more effective way to suggest that to them than through a public forum like this, but at least through Mudcat it might alert others who either host them or have a similar performance style...

I hope you have a chance to hear Sara sometime in a venue that works better for you, Leenia.

On the general topic of foot tapping, I was interested to read somewhere that in Cape Breton (or was it PEI?) young fiddlers were/are encouraged to tap their feet as they learn to ensure that their playing is rhythmic. I'm a big toe wiggler or heel lifter, myself.

~ Becky in Long Beach