The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140645   Message #3249709
Posted By: Greg F.
03-Nov-11 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wall Street Protesters...
Subject: RE: BS: Wall Street Protesters...
what evidence [Bobert] has of that Tea Party Funding

Sorry, Beardie, that dog won't hunt, and that dodge won't work.

Tea Potty funding has been amply and conclusively documented by sources that run the gamut of left/right political spectrum. Hell, the Koch boys, the Coors family & all the rest not only admit it, they brag about it.

You may be in denial, but that's your problem.

Now, back to your source/documentation of your statement that "There is as much Far Left money behind the OWS ... as is behind the Tea Party."

Documentation? Source? Or more bullshit? Your move.